




Nobel Oil Services fosters ethics and 合规 culture across the organization as well as among the stakeholders by encouraging employees and business partners to behave legally and ethically, 并按照合规要求和行为准则办事.

One of the major steps in this respect is the establishment of “Compliance Helpline and Share-Your-Concern” practice. 该集团公司的员工可以提出法律诉讼, 合规, 以及道德问题和担忧,而不用担心遭到报复. “这个过程是为了确保独立和公平的方法,同时保持完全保密. It is one of the 合规 tools allowing us to detect threats which require our involvement and react accordingly”, 纳尔米娜·加达什哈诺娃说, 诺贝尔石油服务公司合规官.  

“This practice also encourages our third-party suppliers to freely appeal to our “Compliance Helpline and Share-Your-Concern” around the clock by email, 电话和邮件”.

“我们受邀参加阿塞拜疆道德与合规网络(AECN)的定期会议。, 一个非商业性, 非政府机构, where ethics and 合规 professionals take part in talks designed to increase awareness about ethical challenges and to promote adoption of inclusive and responsible business practices. 其正式成员包括英国石油公司、斯伦贝谢公司、哈里伯顿公司、德勤公司、E&Y. 反过来,我们的目标是为双方的发展做出贡献&通过分享我们在该领域的最佳实践来获取知识,”她补充道.

电子邮件: ethics_nbo@nobeloil.com
电话:+994 70 299 49 73
阿塞拜疆巴库AZ1029 Alasgar Gayibov街10Q号